Reference: OUTG03
Bare tooth adaptable to Komptech Crambo slow grinders
Tooth/sickle vercom parts adaptable to Komptech Crambo slow grinders. Weight: 1.72 kg. Available...
Reference: SAAL04S01
Adaptable blade holder for Saalasti shredders
Vercom Parts blade holder in reinforced steel adaptable for Saalasti shredders Dimension: 297 x...
Reference: KOMU13-TR10O8
Adaptable replacement trommel for screens Komptech,...
Adaptable replacement trommel for the following screeners: Komptech; -Max - Nemus -Mustang...
Reference: WISR03O011
Adaptable anti-abrasion fixed hammer Willibald SR
Adaptable fixed tool for Willibald SR grinder. Anti abrasion reloading all around for wood. An...
Reference: KOTE08O045
Hammer/Curved Knife Adaptable Komptech Terminator Grinder
Curved screw hammer for Komptech-Crambo Terminator grinder. Tapping: M30
Reference: 12614656
Set of 2 belts for fans and alternators
Width: 200 mm Height: 240 mm Depth: 50 mm Weight: 0.32 kg