Reference: 12920009
Upper belt support roller under trommel
Vercom Parts upper support roller adaptable to Terra Select trommels. Weight: 14.45 kg.
Reference: FAO3
Hammer with big tip for FAR CAM grinders
Tools a tip for forest shredders Fao Far. An M16 tap. Weight: 1.9 kg. BTR screw. No end of 1.5.
Reference: SE06O050
Hammer two points adaptable to shredders Seppi type mini...
Adaptable Vercom Parts fixed tool for Seppi grinders. Two tungsten carbide tips for green waste....
Reference: WISR00R02
Willibald SR adaptable rotor tool scraper
Vercom Parts scraper adaptable to Willibald SR for right and left side installation of the...
Reference: FAES03O031
Reinforced hammer for FAE mills type STC/FP
Fixed tool vercom parts adaptable on FAE shredders type STC / FP. Two large carbide tips + a...
Reference: VAL06O02
Reinforced hammer adaptable to Valentini stone grinders
Adaptable tool for Valentini grinder. A tungsten carbide tip for the stone. Two tungsten carbide...